
Read the latest news and updates from the world of Psychology and Therapy.

As a mental health provider, we find it's important to keep ourselves, as well as the general public, apprised of the latest news and information in our industry. The latest advancements in psychology offer new opportunities for wellness, and Omega Mental Health strives to become a leader in the best practices as they're currently understood.

These articles may provide some insight into your own journey to self-actualization and peace.

Helping Someone with PTSD

Helping a Loved One While Taking Care of Yourself

Authors: Melinda Smith, M.A., and Lawrence Robinson. Last updated: July 2018.

When someone you care about suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it can leave you feeling overwhelmed. The changes in your loved one can be worrying or even frightening. You may feel angry about what’s happening to your family and relationship, or hurt by your loved one’s distance and moodiness. But it’s important to know is that you’re not helpless. Your support can make all the difference in your partner, friend, or family member’s recovery. With your help, your loved one can overcome PTSD and move on with their life.

The early years are crucial for your child’s development, as it is during this time that they learn about how the world around them works. Along with their new discoveries, they also learn a lot about their feelings and how to express them in the appropriate manner.

Anxiety is a normal feeling that everyone experiences – a reaction that we have to stressful or unexpected events or situations. We are hard wired to have a “fight or flight” reaction. Even though we are not facing true survival situations every day, we still have the reaction to any situation that we believe is risky to our well being. Whether it is a shouting relative or a punitive boss, or a demanding teacher.